Monday, January 27, 2014

Chocolate-PB-Banana Smoothie (Healthy!)

  I have an insatiable sweet tooth. I literally crave something sweet after I eat a savory meal. That makes for a REALLY big problem when you are trying to lose weight after your 2nd baby...
   Lucky for me, I came across this creation and it is my gleam of hope that I can in fact have something natural & pretty healthy but doesn't taste like health food! (Love that) It is so satisfying, and it fills me up for hours! It's a great "snack" to have on those long hours between lunch & dinner. Or for after dinner as a fabulous dessert "shake".
 You know that awesome recipe you create and you are so excited about it that you have to tell everyone like a big nerd?? Yeah, that's me. I immediately had to tell my baby sister about it, my mom, my husband, it's kinda pathetic. but you don't understand what a snob I am about my sweets! I don't like very many "healthy" desserts. The only way I like fruit in my desserts is if they are topped with a brown sugar-oatmeal crumble. I'm lame, I know, you don't have to tell me.
 I drink 1/3 or 1/2 and put the rest in the fridge covered and drink the rest the next day. It doesn't look that pretty when it sits, it needs to be stirred up again, but it still tastes great.
Chocolate-PB-Banana Smoothie (makes about 2- 16oz smoothies)
2 cups ice
1/2 cup plain, nonfat yogurt
1/2 cup 1% or skim milk
1/4 cup natural peanut butter
1 banana, sliced
2 Tbs cocoa powder
2 Tbs honey, or more to taste (raw honey is great if you have it)
 (product placement, anyone?? Haha, didn't really think about it when I took the picture)
   Place all ingredients in a blender & puree until smooth & creamy. You may need to scrape the sides down half way through the process to make sure you get all the honey & pb from sticking to the sides.

  If the cocoa powder gives it a bitter flavor, just add more honey to even out and it will transform into that yummy chocolateness. (Just don't go too crazy with the is supposed to be healthy after all)

Pour desired amount into a cup & drink up! Hope it helps your next sweet tooth!
Chocolate-PB-Banana Smoothie (makes about 2- 16oz smoothies)
2 cups ice
1/2 cup plain, nonfat yogurt
1/2 cup 1% or skim milk
1/4 cup natural peanut butter
1 banana, sliced
2 Tbs cocoa powder
2 Tbs honey, or more to taste (raw honey is great if you have it)
   Place all ingredients in a blender & puree until smooth & creamy. You may need to scrape the sides down half way through the process to make sure you get all the honey & pb from sticking to the sides. Pour desired amount into a cup & drink up!
Note: If the cocoa powder gives it a bitter flavor, just add more honey to even out and it will transform into that yummy chocolateness. (Just don't go too crazy with the is supposed to be healthy after all)

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